Parliamentarians for Indigenous Peoples’ Empowerment (PIPE)


The percentage of indigenous population across the world is approximately around 5 percent. However, in spite of that, their representation in Parliament, their involvement in taking part in the democratic processes or choosing their representative or form of Government is very low. Even though they are not the part of development process, they have been adversely affected by the displacement over the years. Their voice is either suppressed, not heard or heard as a means of reaching consensus in letter but never acted on in spirit. They have always remained a story of us versus them. Indigenous people are renowned for their rich cultures, traditional knowledge systems and unique ways of life. In many countries, however, they are dispossessed of their ancestral lands and territories, as well as deprived of the natural resources upon which they depend for their survival. This can result in the denial of their very right to life. Many indigenous communities continue to suffer discrimination, extreme poverty and exclusion from political and economic power. Their belief systems, cultures, languages and ways of life are often threatened, even to the point of extinction.

The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP, hereinafter UN Declaration) is the most advanced and comprehensive international instrument on indigenous peoples’ rights. It builds upon the existing human rights enshrined in international human rights treaties and embodies global consensus on indigenous peoples’ rights. The UN Declaration defines the minimum standards necessary for the survival, dignity and well-being of indigenous peoples of the world. The international community has already taken an important and positive step towards the recognition of indigenous peoples’ rights through the adoption of the UN Declaration. By this initiative, we seek to empower the critical enablers to drive the implementation of the UN Declaration at the national level.